I am proud to be a deaf person. Deafness for me does not signify a disability, but a special kind of existence. Although I wear hearing aids, and depend on them as well as my eyes (to lip-read) to communicate with the hearing people, I know that I will never be hearing. I am always deaf. What can science do but with terrible conviction proceed to cure us of deafness with machines that all too easily break, that need continual replacement of batteries, that cannot be worn when you want to engage in F-U-N activities?

"You have to be careful not to get wet. Your hearing aids are not waterproof!"
"Take off your hearing aids before going into the pool." (But I can't hear without them.)
"If you want to roughhouse, take off your hearing aids so they don't fall off or get broken because someone hits you too hard."

Need this be all I have to deal with all my childhood days?


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