"From the darkness, sleeping light." Formerly luminus dormiens. Lux pacis, light of peace.

Quote: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." --Bill Watterson, cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes


When you have reached the place in Haverness, find the little red dog dressed in a brown coat. Catch him before he vanishes into thin air. You must be prepared, for the disappearance is permanent. Then only another fresh young virgin can make the attempt again. You, as a fresh young virgin, will be capable of seeing the dog, but since the dog has dark power, its influence will make you turn to evil, turn to darkness. Having done so, it will soon disappear because you are too full of sin.

Innocent you are now, you must capture that special dog. He must be killed because he is Evil incarnate. Though he may vanish, you can still feel him, if you are successful in its capture. If not, then I must another virgin find, and continue my long Crusade toward destroying that counterfeit.

As long as that dog live, he will roam the Earth and spread great evil that cannot be removed. To stay free from sin, he must be killed, and all of you be purified. His gift for discord is very great, therefore, you must be wary of what anger may arise, for it is stronger than it truly is, amplified by the dog's own hatred of the All-Enlightened God.

Though God is mighty enough to create the world in all its splendor and complexity in six days, He still must find rest on the seventh day for all His creation has enervated Him. He could not, for example, prevent the evil from entering the world. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil stands as tribute to that lack of power.

As such, God is incapable of seeing past the cloak under which the dog tarries through his day. All God's power is spent in the maintenance of the world. You must remember that God's power, though great, is finite. And a large portion of that is spent on creating the vast universe in which we live.

And so, as a virgin, you have a chance to restore what is right to this world. Go to it, young one, before the dog's evilness brings you to the state of despair.

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