"From the darkness, sleeping light." Formerly luminus dormiens. Lux pacis, light of peace.

Quote: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." --Bill Watterson, cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes


I had a wet dream. I was in the garage masturbating and I ejaculate in pleasure, but I was still stroking my penis when upon touching it with my left hand, I orgasmed again. I touched it the third time, I orgasmed the third time. I stopped, but was trapped in between deep sleep and wakefulness. It was a mode of not really being asleep and not really being awake.

When I finally woke up maybe a few minutes later, I felt something wet in my underwear, and of course, I realized and remembered that it was nocturnal emission. So I changed my underwear, after wiping away what gave it that so familiar name, and went back to sleep. Of course, it took a while, but I was dead-tired.

There was a kind of blackout in our neighborhood. Maybe somebody did something, but it caused every house in our neighborhood at 1:45 to blackout until 3:00.

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