"From the darkness, sleeping light." Formerly luminus dormiens. Lux pacis, light of peace.

Quote: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." --Bill Watterson, cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes



Excerpted from the journal and edited for clarity

Having finally catch parts of an epsiode of "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" on NBC (I don't have cable), I can now comment. I thought it was very funny, too fast in changing scene, and I was light-hearted.

It may stereotype gay guys, but you have to consider three things: #1 As an unstereotypical gay guy/male/man/boy, I don't mind/don't care about the stereotype and thought it was full of hilarity that made me want to giggle a lot. Hee, hee, hee.

#2 Television is not supposed to provide you with an impartial view of culture in one show, it can't by any theoretical or practical philosophy.

#3 Television, in all practicalilty, is essentially a static content. It cannot change, and you cannot interact with it. Therefore, there is no way you could ever give the full depth of the gay culture and community in a manner feasible, unqueasy, and equal to the mainstreamed society. This probably reiterated and elaborated on the statement of #2, but I thought it was emphasizable.

[will update in future time, Mom is calling.]

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