"From the darkness, sleeping light." Formerly luminus dormiens. Lux pacis, light of peace.

Quote: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." --Bill Watterson, cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes


I feel that I must take this time to warn the constituents that they must be united as Americans now. They must quiet themselves because there are too many things happening in conjunction, and perhaps by coincidence, that is producing a grave backlash.

Tread carefully. Or else, reckless wading will move to make this country enter the same era as the Prohibition.

We must wait longer.

We could not have done all that now, as we look toward the past at the choices that we made and how far we have come, that we could have done. Ex post facto. But only at that moment of true choice can we ask, without knowledge of what future may entails, whether we did what we could.

I know that patience is a virtue most people do not have, but we must as well recognize that incremental steps with some giant leap is a necessary movement toward greater reform and greater progress.

Whether or not the Supreme Court's ruling may constitute as that giant leap, when we must take notice that as the most powerful institution in the world, the five justices with one in concurring voted with far-reaching precepts that in the conglomeration of the greatest burst of themed television shows as well as coverage of our nearest neighbor's move toward a grand legislation may count in the mass medium as the most insidious form known to the world.

What, by the mass, was I trying to say?

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