"From the darkness, sleeping light." Formerly luminus dormiens. Lux pacis, light of peace.

Quote: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." --Bill Watterson, cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes


First the misadventure, then politics

Ah, realizing the infallibility nature of the PC, all my data were stored in 0 and 1, and I just erased the very thing that kept track of where and what these things were supposed to do. The FAT (file allocation system)

I am still trying to connect to the Internet, but I am almost at loss and giving up on Windows. Rather than, after suffering a bruising fight that resulted in me losing memory of the last six years, wimping out and going back to live under the FUD of Redmond, I have taken this chance to view it as making full to the end goal as being the consumer that wasn't. At least until the Nerd that governs us cease his tactics and live in the new age of efficiency, not largesse, of streamlined codes, not bloated "millions of lines" that leave concerns of how such codes might leave us vulnerable.

Perhaps I should not be so condemning of the company from Redmond, it is just the latest in the capitalist venture that has begun in the industrial revolution. I support bridled capitalism, and bridled democracy. But it will always be an eternal debate: bridled by whom? The people? they are not educated enough. The politician? they are overfed. The rich people? they are selfish and greedy, nothing is requested of them toward philanthropy. The poor people? the last revolution we had in world history resulted in a dictatorship. The middle class? they are too concerned with mimicking the grandeur of the rich to be concerned with what affects their everyday lives.

It is in people's nature to test the limits of what rules are given them. It is in the nature of people, when they are given an inch, they will take a mile. Witness the recall effort, the attempt to use a poorly defined constitution to its perversion. I suppose it is necessary that people find a way to channel anger at a government by using recall. If there was no such provisions in the constitution, there would be anarchy. You give them a law, they will test it. What the founding fathers of the United States Constitution wanted was a way to make the people's natural ability to selfishness and testing of the laws cancel each other out. The Presidency would expand and test its laws (witness Vietnam) and the Congress would in turn expand and test its own law as well (witness Clinton).

What is the most frustrating part is that the California Constitution did not make any plan for inflation. I suppose that gold was the currency at the time, and it was considered to be a stable currency, but since then, upheavals in the Great War, the Great Depression, World War II, Cold War, charge card, we have abandoned the usage of gold and relied on cash, paper currency instead. What has resulted was an inflation. After all, you must remember that 3,500 was considered a massive amount of money 100 years ago. The money you must pay to avoid the draft in the Civil War was 300 dollars. 300 dollars by now is measly changes. Everybody has much more than that in their bank account. It is worth two weeks of work at minimum wage, pre-taxed. If the writer of that constitution was prescience, he would have recognized the need to tie the money needed to pay to register for the presidency to the inflation rate in order to keep so many people from registering to vote. Now with 134 candidates (depending on whom you ask), the money they spent is effectively wasted because of the entrance of Gubernatorial Candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger and subsequently in response, Gubernatorial Candidate/Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante. You could point out that the US Constitution has its own quirk as well. In it, there is a provision that says to get a trial, you must sue for at least 20 dollars. Wow, what a massive amount. If only there was a way to test for inflation, and you could see how much it would have been. Fortunately, there is no way anybody would sue for 20 dollars because it is worthless compared to the prices you must pay to submit documents for court proceeding. My name-change alone costed close to 3,000 dollars. [will check facts and submit update]

I support moderation of everything, and moderation in that moderation.

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