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Lurking in . . .
"From the darkness, sleeping light." Formerly luminus dormiens. Lux pacis, light of peace.
Quote: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." --Bill Watterson, cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes
Google News
Draft Wesley Clark for President
Because I didn't know that Wesley Clark has offically entered the race for Presidency this past week, I was not able to post for it, but not having learned of it just today, I recant my support for Howard Dean. Sorry, but you're just too brash and arrogant and may not win the presidency very easily.
Welcome to Democratic nomination, I have been anticipating you since I first read about you in the TIME Magazine not more than five weeks ago. It's about time. Now's the time to start receiving the funding necessary to secure the Democratic nomination and finally beat Bush with your credentials and credibility!
Draft Wesley Clark for President
Because I didn't know that Wesley Clark has offically entered the race for Presidency this past week, I was not able to post for it, but not having learned of it just today, I recant my support for Howard Dean. Sorry, but you're just too brash and arrogant and may not win the presidency very easily.
Welcome to Democratic nomination, I have been anticipating you since I first read about you in the TIME Magazine not more than five weeks ago. It's about time. Now's the time to start receiving the funding necessary to secure the Democratic nomination and finally beat Bush with your credentials and credibility!