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Lurking in . . .
"From the darkness, sleeping light." Formerly luminus dormiens. Lux pacis, light of peace.
Quote: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." --Bill Watterson, cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes
FastMail: Fast free or paid IMAP webmail with SMTP, POP & IMAP access
This is the best web-based email site I've ever had the privilege of signing up for. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow for a good choice of domain name . . .
So Tile263 says he lives in New Jersey, and as an aspiring actor, wants to study at a conservatory. The unfortunate thing is that he hasn't reply to my email (I've sent him one) and that he vanishes rather quickly after signing onto AIM. I don't know what's happened to him, but he would be my third casualty of meeting people online. I don't know if he still has my screenname, but I hope he can email me
I have wants to express something that weighs heavily upon the soul, but unlike others, I cannot bring it out, express it in any form. What is this that holds my chest so?
I've had a pretty dull Thanksgiving dinner. We, i.e. my parents and I, have just baked a turkey and brought it to my aunt's house, along with a pumpkin pie, and a gravy powder.
She, her husband, and their child had moved to Hercules, a small town west of Richmond, a city north of Oakland, which is in the East Bay Area. Her house is pretty darn nice and new, but has no life yet because it was just recently built.
Aunt didn't want to cook a turkey herself because she doesn't like to cook and is a stickler for neatness.
This is the best web-based email site I've ever had the privilege of signing up for. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow for a good choice of domain name . . .
So Tile263 says he lives in New Jersey, and as an aspiring actor, wants to study at a conservatory. The unfortunate thing is that he hasn't reply to my email (I've sent him one) and that he vanishes rather quickly after signing onto AIM. I don't know what's happened to him, but he would be my third casualty of meeting people online. I don't know if he still has my screenname, but I hope he can email me
I have wants to express something that weighs heavily upon the soul, but unlike others, I cannot bring it out, express it in any form. What is this that holds my chest so?
I've had a pretty dull Thanksgiving dinner. We, i.e. my parents and I, have just baked a turkey and brought it to my aunt's house, along with a pumpkin pie, and a gravy powder.
She, her husband, and their child had moved to Hercules, a small town west of Richmond, a city north of Oakland, which is in the East Bay Area. Her house is pretty darn nice and new, but has no life yet because it was just recently built.
Aunt didn't want to cook a turkey herself because she doesn't like to cook and is a stickler for neatness.