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Lurking in . . .
"From the darkness, sleeping light." Formerly luminus dormiens. Lux pacis, light of peace.
Quote: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." --Bill Watterson, cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes
New Danger to Arctic Wildlife, ACT NOW! Petition
It is time for us to get off our back and petition the government for the redress of this grievance! Once again, the Senate is under pressure to introduce a legislation that would allow Arctic Drilling.
I understand that there is a need for energy, but there are so many alternative ways to get energy than one that would melt the glaciers of the highest peaks of the world.
I understand that terrorism is a pressing concern, but the inability to take care of the Earth means that the Earth won't be able to sustain human beings anymore. The ravages of hurricanes and stormy weather will worsen, and the death of millions of Americans due to starvation is much worse than death by introduced diseases, nuclear radiation, and some dumb terrorists out to kill themselves for a strange deity they call Allah.
It is time for us to get off our back and petition the government for the redress of this grievance! Once again, the Senate is under pressure to introduce a legislation that would allow Arctic Drilling.
I understand that there is a need for energy, but there are so many alternative ways to get energy than one that would melt the glaciers of the highest peaks of the world.
I understand that terrorism is a pressing concern, but the inability to take care of the Earth means that the Earth won't be able to sustain human beings anymore. The ravages of hurricanes and stormy weather will worsen, and the death of millions of Americans due to starvation is much worse than death by introduced diseases, nuclear radiation, and some dumb terrorists out to kill themselves for a strange deity they call Allah.