"From the darkness, sleeping light." Formerly luminus dormiens. Lux pacis, light of peace.

Quote: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." --Bill Watterson, cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes


There was something, I was dreaming about it yesterday, but I forgot to post it. So I don't remember the beginning. This is the argument I've been having in the war between my mind.

It is not that I do not believe in God. I do believe that there is something up there and that when we die, we go up to whatever that is. The problem is that what will we be like when we are up there? When we die, we leave behind all the woes we have in this life, our hormones, our sexual desires, our brains, everything! What is left?

When you think about the things that live and the things that die, I would rather be old than to die early because I can live to fulfill the best of my heart and brain's desire.

I don't mean sex; it is but a part of my existence. What I mean is the power that experiencing life brings. When you think about it, all that which our life is based on is technology. What I want to see is what technology is going to bring to me.

You know, I've forgotten to talk about that straight boy that I had a major crush on. He finally knows because I told him through the AIM. As it turns out, he says he doesn't care either way. I hope I'll get to see him again, especially when he's performing on stage. It'd be nice to get a hug from him and know, simply know that he knows.

I watched "Finding Nemo" today on DVD. It made me think about my life, and how I want to take care of children in the future. You know the stuff, adopt some children whose parents terminated their caretaking rights and raise them.

I'm sometimes not sure what my plans are or should be, though I try to be as concrete as possible. I have much help from my college, so it's all good.

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