"From the darkness, sleeping light." Formerly luminus dormiens. Lux pacis, light of peace.

Quote: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." --Bill Watterson, cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes


The Heart of this World

I finally beat Kingdom Hearts, and I think I got the secret ending, though it didn't seem like much. It's unfortunate that the Squaresoft Company didn't subtitle the ending sequence, and I can't even read the lips of those characters. From what I could see, it's visually depressing. Kairi and Sora and Riku, separated for an indefinite time.

Isn't Howard Dean great!? He's definitely memorized the order in which he's supposed to campaign after the loss. I heard about Dean's antics, but I couldn't find a transcript of it so I could read where it was that he got "overly enthusiastic" in his post-Iowa loss rally. Anyway, I could find some articles that copied the point that he was very passionate about winning the presidency. Yar! Yar! We're going to New Hampshire, Arizona, and so forth!

At this point, I definitely love his antic disposition, because it's so unlike what we'd expect from any high ranking people. I'd love to vote for him, whether or not he could beat Bush. I feel like those voters who can't decide between candidates not because they can't decide between which candidates they're taken with, but because they can't decide which candidate can beat Bush. In other words, they can't decide whether to vote with their hearts, or with their heads.

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