"From the darkness, sleeping light." Formerly luminus dormiens. Lux pacis, light of peace.

Quote: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." --Bill Watterson, cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes


Qui tacet consentit

Who that is silent, consents.

To be a liberal is to be free, not in the sense of money, but in the sense of freedom of thought. My Spanish professor, to whom I give great admirance for her fortitude, intelligence, tenacity, and perseverance, presented this Latin phrase.

She translated for us. "He who is silent gives his consent." From there, I embarked on my own to translate literally what each word means. Qui is who. Tacet is to be silent. Consentit, is to give consent. Therefore, qui tacet consentit (KWEE TAH-keit cohn-SEIN-teet).

She went on to explain that the true meaning of liberalness is not, as we see them now, to be on the far left.

I took this to be interpreted as that to be liberal is not to be an activist.

She said that liberal came from the Latin word that meant "liberty" or "freedom." It means that you are no longer a slave. Once something happen, it becomes a time that you must set a slave free. However, once free, that slave, usually a man, must be educated to become a true Roman citizen.

That is why in college, we have these classes that we call liberal education or liberal arts. To be liberal is to be learned in the ways of math, arts, history, language, etc.

It is for this purpose that the American colleges have the general education requirement, because we have such a desire to impose education, bring the pupils out of the darkness, the ignorance in which they dwell.

I know how many people hate the general education requirement designed to expose the students to the world of social science, of the humanities and arts, and of the natural science, of the world in which they live.

These are the people that need the future to show the usefulness of liberty to them. That is why it is not good to force people to vote, because voting is predicated on the notion of making an informed decision.

So those who say that they don't want to vote, or don't care about the political system, should not vote. The voting percentage may be depressing, but it shows the people's true nature is to be silent, and in silence, consent.

There is a problem, naturally. Some people may want to keep it [the non-voting part] this way so that they may keep control of the political process. The young people are just a variable factor that they don't want to deal with. They could vote one way or the other, and cause an upset.


Sometimes I wonder why I am writing this, because I think it devalues my blog. Many people have already written--and read--about this, so why am I writing it?

I'm stupid. What the heck is this blog for? I feel so empty inside now. Maybe I need to say less, and more in less. 1 + 1 = 1/2.

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