"From the darkness, sleeping light." Formerly luminus dormiens. Lux pacis, light of peace.

Quote: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." --Bill Watterson, cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes


My mother: the Potential Leftist?

Every time I have lack of faith in humanity, circumstances often show me up to say that my perception is wrong. And yesterday and today, I smiled at the complexity of humankind and then I believe, that whether or not the human race succeeds, no one cannot deny that it has not brought forth at least some people who are kind or who have the capacity to think beyond his or her present self.

(Hey, that was not a double, nor a triple, but a quadruple negative!)

First, I had lost my umbrella and when I returned to the room where I thought I had left it, I could not find it. I immediately suspected wrongdoing, and for several minutes I fumed about how people can be such a thief. Then I checked at the science office and I found that the receptionist had the umbrella all along. Someone dropped it off at her office because he or she had found it, rather than steal it.

Second, today, my mom told me that she donated $25 to Howard Dean yesterday. I was shocked. She explained that she believed Howard Dean was a victim of the media. She thinks that the media causes people to think a certain way, in other words, the media influences the populace and is not fair to the candidates.

People like her to give money to what could be a lost cause . . . it inspires me a lot. It's the reason that I'm posting now. Even though I support Howard Dean, and I wished that the media hadn't trashed him for the scream.

But I see her point. When the political commentators say, "I don't think people will look at this as Presidential." Everybody listening to them agree.

If they had instead say, "Wow, what a rousing speech, it could be the sign of a strong president."

Who except the media is the one that determines what is presidential or not? Everyone wants to know what everyone else thinks before they form their opinion. It's part of those desire to join the bandwagon.

It is very clear that California has a different culture from some of the states. After all, neither I nor the majority of Californians seem to care about the Dean scream, except perhaps that they believe it screwed up his chance for the presidency. I mean, here in the Bay Area, we have such a different interpretation of what is presidential or not. Look at how we've elected Arnold.

Okay, bad example. But it's just a simple rally.

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