"From the darkness, sleeping light." Formerly luminus dormiens. Lux pacis, light of peace.

Quote: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." --Bill Watterson, cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes


Twilight of the Blogs

Someone I know actually support Proposition 13. It's good for property owners. I still have doubt about it, but since it was passed before I was born, I didn't exist to have any say in it. I'd prefer if people didn't live in a house, but in a condo. It's because of the pollution that's happening world-wide. Having a house means that people need to drive, and needing to drive means that people pollutes. So Proposition has a good and bad thing about it.

For want of discourses, I understand that conflict is an essential and integral part of what makes us human. Still, why should I feel so badly? Perhaps it is the worry that what I have has been irrevocably terminated, or changed to a state that has the sums and subtraction of what I have done and have not done to effect its status quo.

Though he lives far away, and I am not likely to meet him (from online), I still feel a strange tie to him, as the online presence. Perhaps it is a show of the lackadaisical social skills that I have, that I did not develop in my time at the hearing school.

There is of course, no reason that I would have done better at the deaf school. I still have the same personality and would still have been shy. After all, my hearing disability is no excuse or reason for not being active in clubs and social events. It is only by having high self-esteem that I can make friends. Though many would argue that I need friends to have high self-esteem. To them I would say that depending on friends is awkward and stupid.

Ah, what do I care? It's in the past. Now I must reckon with so many a different thing, but I have a more clear-headed reasoning than I had in my teenage years. Can anyone be clear-headed though?

I repeat this mantra:
The journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step.
A step backward is a chance for a long leap.
Your life is not a series of destinations.
Your life is a journeying where you cross many milestones.
Some are born great; some achieve greatness; some have greatness thrust upon them; and some will never be great.

I don't say them everyday, because I would be a hypocrite if I actually preached these kinds of things.

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